Seizure, Male, 25 years old
Heart Attack, Female, 60 years old
Suicide with Gun, Male, 40 years old (II)
Suicide with Gun, Male, 40 years old
Heart Attack, Male, 50 years old (II)
Illness, Female, 60 years old
Murder, Male, 40 years old (I) Sarah Sudhoff is a photographer and educator based in Texas.
Of this series, she writes:
‘At the Hour of Our Death takes as its starting point
Aries’s observation that “death’s invisibility enhances its terror”.
These large-scale color photographs capture and fully illuminate
swatches of bedding, carpet and upholstery marked with the signs
of the passing of human life.
The fabrics which are first removed by a trauma scene clean up crew,
are relocated to a warehouse before being incinerated.
It is in the warehouse that I photograph these fragments
stained with bodily fluids.
I tack each swatch to the wall and use the crew’s floodlights
to illuminate the scene. The images are my attempt to slow
the moments before and after death to a single frame,
to allow what is generally invisible to become visible,
and to engage with a process from which we have become disconnected’.